
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer with the Flakes!

I am horrible at keeping up with my blog.... I love reading everyone elses when they updates theirs, but just cant seem to keep mine up to date. Which is really pathetic since i have tons to write about, me and Madison have had a very busy last few months.
For starters since the last post i have gone from 13 weeks pregnant to now being very large at 32 weeks! Here is a little view of my transformation over the last few months. Some of these are not the greatest pictures of me but they are all i got :)

We also fond out during this time that its a girl!!  I loved that ultrasound, i really wish i could have ultrasound every time i go to the doctors so that i could see her little legs and hands and cute body squirming around. I guess i will just have to wait till she comes and then i can just hold that cute little squirming body. Its been so fun knowing that she is a girl, i have been able to start making cute girl headbands and blankets and other fun stuff.  It has also been so fun to feel her move (other then she has found my ribs and loves to kick up there :). I have decided that feeling her kick has to be the most amazing and craziest feeling ever! but it has made it so much more real to feel her kicking around. I  still have had to battle the morning sickness and now the heartburn, but its good to know the end is in sight for that stuff :) Its also so nice to be so close to having her, me and Madison just cant wait now to see our little girl! The waiting is getting harder and harder every day!

Second me and Madison celebrated our first Anniversary! It has been an amazing last year with him. I truly am one lucky girl to have him as my husband and best friend. He means everything to me, I cant picture life without him. We have had some amazing adventures together and i cant wait for the ones to come!

We have also moved from our small downtown Salt Lake apartment to my husbands parents house and now to a place up in Cottonwood Heights that we share with Madison's sister Hilary and her husband Spencer and cute little girl Blayke! We love it here, we are in a quite little neighborhood that has an amazing backyard that we love! We also have a second bedroom now that i have loved getting set up for our little girl!
Lets see what else... I started teaching gymnastics again, but have now come to a point that i am to big to do much and so will be finishing that up in the next week or so.
Oh and really big news: Madison got into Grad School! That was such a blessing, he has worked so hard for it!
We also went to Oceanside California with Madison's family and Glacier National Park with mine. Which both vacations were amazing!! ( I really should have a separate blog post for each of these, because i have some great pictures of both... my next goal haha)
I also got to see Bree and her cute little boy finally! It was so much fun to have lunch with and her family and just catch up! It had been way to long. I wish we lived closer.

So to sum up our summer has been great we really cant complain! We have a lot ahead of us in the next few months so i will try to be better at keeping this updated :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby Flake

I am so happy to finally say WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!! That has been the hardest secret to keep for the last 13 weeks! But now that my baby is pass the scary first trimester where i was just praying that i didn't miscarry, i can now come out and say it, which i good because the baby bump although small is starting to appear so i really couldn't hide it for much longer. Which is  such a weird feeling to know there is something (haha a baby) growing inside of me! But as weird as it seems i absolutely love it (maybe not at the thought of how huge my little body is going to be in a couple months), i love the thought that i am going to be a mommy and Madison is being a dad (he is going to be amazing). Its crazy once you know you have a little baby growing inside of you how fast you fall in love with that baby. We feel so blessed.
Its been a crazy ride though! Lets just say this baby has it out for me! I unfortunately was not one of the lucky ones that got to avoid morning sickness... since week six me and the toilet have been buddies (that sounds so gross... sorry).  It got so bad where i was throwing up two to three times a day... really not all that fun. I tried one nausea medicine for awhile and after a couple days that was doing nothing, within hours of taking it i was right back to being over the toilet. I even broke a blood vessel in my eye because i was throwing up so hard :( i think a lady at work hit it right on, when she came to my desk knowing i was pregnant and sick and my eye was all blood shot and i had gotten so lucky to have a cold too... she looked at me and said "oh honey you are a mess..." and it was true i was a mess! But then the doctor introduced me to the miracle nausea pill Zofran (honestly ladies if any of you are pregnant and cant keep anything down i mean not even water (or i even tried otter pops and those didn't stay down) then ask your doctor about Zofran, it works miracles) Madison calls it my happy pill because its got me back to normal haha... but seriously it has! so life has been a lot better since then. I actually want to eat, and i dont have to think before i eat will this be ok coming back up, because it doesn't... haha love it!
I know this is a really gross picture of me but i had to show why the lady at work said i was a mess! The nose strip was because i couldn't breath at all through my nose thanks to the cold i had. You can barley see my blood shot eye, i have better pictures of my eye but that would just be nasty to put them up on here! 
Ok i don't want to have this post sound like i am complaining about being pregnant! Because i love being pregnant. I just had to share all my crazy adventures i have had since become pregnant!! And that was definitely part of the adventure.
I wish i had a cute picture to show you of our little baby, but i am afraid we haven't gotten one yet. We did get to see the baby though. It wasn't planned but on my second appointment they couldn't find a heart beat (freaked me out, you just don't do that to a emotional pregnant women... and man have i been emotional... poor Madison i am sure he doesn't know what to do with me anymore haha!) But because they couldn't find the heartbeat on the fetal doppler heart monitor, i was able to go right away for a ultrasound. Which there we were able to see our little baby and know that it had a heartbeat (a good healthy one at that). It was a pretty lazy baby though, we waited forever for it to move the doctor was pushing down all over my stomach for the baby to do something, when finally it did a big jump and them jumped around the rest of the time we were doing the ultrasound.It was so amazing to see our little baby, it made it so much more real. I cant wait till i get to see him or her again. 
So like i said at the very beginning we feel so blessed, and couldn't be more excited. There are so many times were we are just sitting around and i just have to look over to Madison and smile and pretty much shout we are having a baby!! Its such an amazing time, i really don't think i could be happier and i think a lot of that comes because i have an amazing husband who has taken care of me so well over the last three months, i am one blessed wife.