For starters since the last post i have gone from 13 weeks pregnant to now being very large at 32 weeks! Here is a little view of my transformation over the last few months. Some of these are not the greatest pictures of me but they are all i got :)
We also fond out during this time that its a girl!! I loved that ultrasound, i really wish i could have ultrasound every time i go to the doctors so that i could see her little legs and hands and cute body squirming around. I guess i will just have to wait till she comes and then i can just hold that cute little squirming body. Its been so fun knowing that she is a girl, i have been able to start making cute girl headbands and blankets and other fun stuff. It has also been so fun to feel her move (other then she has found my ribs and loves to kick up there :). I have decided that feeling her kick has to be the most amazing and craziest feeling ever! but it has made it so much more real to feel her kicking around. I still have had to battle the morning sickness and now the heartburn, but its good to know the end is in sight for that stuff :) Its also so nice to be so close to having her, me and Madison just cant wait now to see our little girl! The waiting is getting harder and harder every day!
We have also moved from our small downtown Salt Lake apartment to my husbands parents house and now to a place up in Cottonwood Heights that we share with Madison's sister Hilary and her husband Spencer and cute little girl Blayke! We love it here, we are in a quite little neighborhood that has an amazing backyard that we love! We also have a second bedroom now that i have loved getting set up for our little girl!
Lets see what else... I started teaching gymnastics again, but have now come to a point that i am to big to do much and so will be finishing that up in the next week or so.
Oh and really big news: Madison got into Grad School! That was such a blessing, he has worked so hard for it!
We also went to Oceanside California with Madison's family and Glacier National Park with mine. Which both vacations were amazing!! ( I really should have a separate blog post for each of these, because i have some great pictures of both... my next goal haha)
I also got to see Bree and her cute little boy finally! It was so much fun to have lunch with and her family and just catch up! It had been way to long. I wish we lived closer.
So to sum up our summer has been great we really cant complain! We have a lot ahead of us in the next few months so i will try to be better at keeping this updated :)